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Know your cards

The cards are also color coded based on their types: The Launch cards and the Maintenance Crew cards are black in color with a green band on the top. The Power-Up cards are orange with a black band on top. And the graphic on back of the Event cards are orange which makes them stand out significantly when kept face down and they are black in color with an orange band on top

The type of each card is denoted by their categogy iconon the top-rightcorner

Where the card is to be placed during the game is also denoted by its position marked.

The unique ablilities of the cards are listed on the bottom of each card.

How to identify your cards?

Launch Cards:

22 cards in the pack

Cards you must collect to land on Mars. These cards go to your Launch Area. Launch cards consist of: A Chimp, a Booster, a Shuttle, and a Landing Ticket.

IMPORTANT: The cards need to be in the sequence mentioned above which is a Chimp, followed by a Booster, a Shuttle, and a Landing Ticket before landing your Chimp on Mars.

Power-Up Cards:

16 cards in the pack

Playing these cards will either propel you towards mars (boost your winning chances) or hinder your opponents from reaching there (reduce your opponents chances).

IMPORTANT: Power-Up cards can only be played in the Play Area. You can’t keep a Power-Up card in Launch Area or facing down.

Event Cards:

4 cards in the pack

There are four event cards in the game. These cards stops you from winning the game. Each card consists of a catastrophic event that might impede your journey to Mars.

IMPORTANT: Once you draw an Event card it goes directly into your Launch Area and it can’t be taken in your hand and thus it’s considered as only one action of drawing. You can distinctly identify an Event card by it’s red colored back.

Maintenance Crew Cards:

10 cards in the pack

These cards are your defense towards Event cards, it can help you discard existing events. There are three types of maintenance crew: Ducks, Tortoises, and Crocodile.

Playing this card defends your Launch Area from all attacks (Swap, Steal, Destroy, and Events) and can be played immediately irrespective of your turn without costing any Action/Turn.

Special Cards

Destroys one card from the opponent's Launch Area when swapped or stolen from your aunch area (by means of using Power-Up cards).

Power Up Card
Maintenance Crew Card
Playing the Banana Card

Discarding Event Cards

IMPORTANT: Discarding Event card is not considered as an Action. However, playing any card/s that leads to discarding the Event card will be considered as Actions.

Collecting two uninque Maintenance Crew Cards

Note that the Mainenance Crew cards also get discarded on discarding an Event card. 

Collecting a matching Booster- Spaceship pair

Spaceship and Boosters don’t get discarded on discarding an Event card. 

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